Wastewater Mill of Olive Oil Production

שני קמחים ושמן זית

In the production of edible olive oil, it is customary to crush the olives in the oil press, adding water during the oil extraction process. Then, during the centrifuge process, the phase components of oil, olive kernels, and water with substances other than the oil components are separated. This water…

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Banana Varieties

The Banana business is one of the highest agricultural income industries in the Jordan Valley. In Israel the banana is characterized by one main variety, the Grand-Nine, which is noted for its quick and superfluous growth. Banana plantations are usually covered with a high shading net. It turns out that…

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ICA Grant Stimulation

Shalom Friends,  Each year the Chief Scientist of the Agricultural Ministry supports agricultural projects. I browsed through the 2018-2019 grant lists which were published on the ARO website. There were 17 research initiatives that ICA supported. When the POC was gotten, researchers were then able to raise an additional $10M…

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Valley of Springs R&D (ex Beit Shean)

Project Profile Red Palm Weevil Elimination: Building a cage for field research Background: In recent years the Red Palm Weevil (RPW) has assumed a ubiquitous, major pest of economically important palms. It is found in the Middle East, North Africa, East Asia and Southern Europe and causes great economic losses….

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The Mariculture Center

Project Profile Upgrading the infrastructure of grouper grow-out mariculture systems Background:  Aquaculture production in Israel has been stagnant over the last decade. Declining profits in currently produced fish, competition from exports, cutbacks in fresh water quotas and increased environmental restrictions – all emphasize the need to seek additional fish species…

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The Hebrew Universiy of Jerusalem – Rehovot Campus

Project Profile Central equipment unit for the enhancement of agriculture and environmental research   Background: This proposal has been formulated following a discussion held between Mr. Yoki Lothan, ICA, Prof. Yona Chen, ICA and the Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, and Prof. Yitzhak Hadar, Dean of the…

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The Blaustein Institute for Desert Research

מערכת "ירוקה" לטיפול במי קולחין עשירים בשומנים

Project Profile “Green” system for oil and grease (O&G) wastewater Background: The development of small communities (villages) and remote farms is increasing in Israel and Europe alike and is often located next to environmentally sensitive areas. In Ramat Negev alone there are several dozens small communities (farms) and more are…

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The Blaustein Institute for Desert Research

המכונים לחקר המדבר ע"ש יעקב בלאושטיין

Project Profile Effect of combined drought and salinity stresses on transpiration, growth, yield and quality of pomegranate   Background: Marketing of pomegranate products is increasing as a result of recent indications of health benefits associated with their consumption. Consequently, more and better quality yields are needed to support this growing…

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Tal and Eran Sade – Moshav Yevul

הרחבת שטחי גידול לפרחי הדוביום

Project Profile Extension of Dubium flower crops Background: Tal and Eran Sade, originally from the centre of Israel , have been dreaming for years to help settle the Negev, and create an agricultural farm and a home for their family. During the past decade, they have studied – Tal studied…

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Southern Arava R&D

Project Profile Field implementation of “Irrigation on Demand” technique in commercial orchards   Background:  The Israeli southern Arava region is characterized by an annual ET0 (class A pan) of ~3200 mm and only ~20 mm of precipitation. In other words, the total amount of rainfall in one year is not much more…

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